The Burgundy Pill: An Introduction
Going beyond the Red Pill for a more holistic relationship to women
A few days ago I wrote a long tirade about the Red Pill and why you should stop being a pussy. It is incomplete but is sufficient enough for me to feel confident venturing into uncharted territory without anyone being able to credibly claim that I do not thoroughly understand the basics.
If the Redpill was a college course, it would be How to Women 100. The Burgundy Pill is How to Women 150. Or perhaps more apt for the NEET eboy: It is a DLC expansion pack that requires you to own the base game. It presupposes you not only know what the Red Pill is and are fully versed on its theory, but also have put it in practice to the point that it is now second nature (and thus you can without too much effort acquire female sexual partners).
If one or more of these things are not true, The Burgundy Pill is probably not for you. I would recommend starting with The Sidebar (“New here” and “Theory Reading” on the righthand side; here is a PDF book version), at least the first Rational Male, and then practicing all this for at least a year before you even consider the expert level shit that is the Burgundy Pill.
If you are super agreeable like I was at one point and can’t even put the Red Pill in your mouth without instantly spitting it out, or can but just can’t manage to swallow the damn thing, some other books I have read that you may find useful:
No More Mr Nice Guy (how nice guys can become men; most likely to be useful)
Mate: Become the Man Women Want (basically The Red Pill without anything that would offend wahmen)
Codependent No More (how to get your own needs and stop enmeshing with others)
Healing The Shame That Binds You (How to stop hating yourself or stop being driven only by self attack)
Post Romantic Stress Disorder (How to manage all the deep emotional shit in an intimate relationship)
The Six Pillars of Self Esteem (More on how to like yourself)
Home Coming: Reclaiming and Championing Your Inner Child (How to stand up for and champion your ‘true self’)
When I Say No I Feel Guilty (how to be assertive without being a dick)
Totally cool to be a pussy, as long as you are improving. Even after reading all of these and many more like them I rejected the Red Pill for a long time. Progress not perfection. Anyway, with the caveats out of the way, let’s proceed:
The Purple Pill Is Cringe
The Burgundy pill, while perhaps superficially similar, is not The Purple Pill. The purple pill is an upgraded Blue Pill masquerading as some kind of hybrid. It is fundamentally predicated on blue pill foundations and the AFC mindset (terminology is covered in Red Pill 100. If you haven’t taken RP100 you are breaking the rules but fine here’s a term list).
It does not exist because it integrated and accepted TRP premises and found them lacking. It exists because it rejected them outright and simply wishes to freshen up and reclaim the throne for the blue pill. Anything purple concedes to red is only as a last resort and because to do otherwise would destroy any shred of credibility it has with anyone above a room temperature IQ. It is the Bluepill of the gaps and thus is fundamentally still trying to “build a better beta”.
Maybe I’m oversimplifying or strawmanning but it doesn’t really matter. It is mapped territory and mapped territory is lame. Let’s go off into the woods.
The Red Pill Is Cringe
The Burgundy Pill is different than the Red Pill in that it goes beyond it. Whether it is closer or further from the blue pill or whether it is equidistant in one dimension and divergent along a secondary or tertiary dimension up for debate. What I do know is that it certainly exists and seems, at least so far, only offered to and digestible by those who have previously swallowed and fully integrated The Red Pill. Red pill vets who tired of “fucking sloots” and “enjoying the decline” not because they couldn’t handle the pressure or ran away out of fear (like purple pillers and MGTOWs) but because they just stopped finding it novel or satisfying (or perhaps never much liked it in the first place) have likely swallowed or at least are in the process of masticating the Burgundy pill.
TRP is a great introduction and gives you the broad strokes generally applicable to all men. However, especially on a macro scale, it is fundamentally degenerative. It is just a masculine reaction to feminism. It is not a resynthesis or rebuilding of a new order, but simply the spawning of a new reactionary faction within the sexual anarchy. While it has expanded greatly and opened up many doors over the years, it still maintains its roots in disagreeable dark triad men seeking to systematize the maximization of sexual access to women.
Personally, I found “enjoying the decline” unenjoyable. Often even repulsive. I hate the state of the SMP and don’t enjoy extracting value for myself at the expense of others. I have always had a gay martyr complex and I intend to leverage it to dedicate my time to creating a new order. The burgundy pill aim to architect this new order.
The Burgundy Pill Is Based
The Redpill began as an attempt to explain why the observations and strategies discovered as effective in PUA were such. And then first principle-ized them to increase the effectiveness of male sexual strategy more broadly. Rather than being about memorizing and strategizing lines that women would find sexually attractive (PUA), it was about cultivating a mindset and life that would make the words and behaviors women find sexually attractive second nature, ultimately getting men a steady stream of sex without having to make picking up chicks a full time job.
However, inherent in its original dataset of field reports by notch-stacking sloot-fuckers lies its Achilles Heel. The redpill perfectly describes everything you’d need to know if you wish to increase your N count and build your own personal harem. And while it’s technically the least ineffective monogamous LTR strategy we currently have, it’s competition is literal dog shit so that’s not saying much.
In truth, calling it “woefully lacking” would be an understatement, assuming your scope of female-related goals are wider than sex alone. And further, it utterly fails to have anything useful to say about why your female-related goals should be aimed at a wider scope than sex alone.
Yes, if you implement TRP you won’t be relegated to cooming alone to anime girls in your room. Nor become a yes-dear beta-bux resource-slave to a woman who has some undiagnosable and untreatable condition of perpetual migraines. Nor will you get divorce raped (or at least it’s much less likely).
If you follow the red pill, you are very likely to survive. Something the blue pill could never claim. But without the Burgundy pill you are unlikely to ever thrive.
There is just too much more that can be gained from a relationship with a woman besides sexual access. Utilizing women only for sex is like utilizing a car only for it’s air conditioning. Yes, it is great for that, sure. But there is just so much more cool stuff it can do that you are completely neglecting.
TRP has nothing useful to say about the realms of trust, growth, teamwork, commitment, vulnerability, emotional connection, nor children. It has a little to say about purpose and meaning and mission, but they are after-the-fact add ons rather than foundational premises. They are a “you need this if you want to get laid. Oh also we found out later that this will improve your general quality of life too”.
Fundamentally, the red pill is about converting men from slave morality to master morality. As well as from an anxious attachment style to an avoidant attachment style. A man with a master morality but anxious attachment will still cuck; A man with slave morality but avoidant attachment will still simp.
The Burgundy Pill, if I had to oversimplify, continues the emphasis on master morality but converts the avoidant attachment into a secure one.
Reclaiming The Baby From The Gutter
The truth is that “love” exists for a reason. Yes, the term has been disfigured almost beyond recognition by an entire generation of children for whom attachment, security, and connection were replaced with cribs, toys, and daycares. And this left many of us with such a gaping whole in our emotional development that we have redefined the term to be synonymous with codependence and enmeshment. But love, in its classic sense, is a real chemical process with deep evolutionary utility. TRP throws the baby out with the bath water on love and ultimately fails to integrate the truth we all intuitively feel: if you can’t connect with and depend on a woman it’s not a relationship, just prostitution.
The red pill is totally right that commiting to (or, worse, enmeshing with) a women before you’ve thoroughly vetted her and repeatedly tested her reliability, attachment, and commitment to you is dysfunctional and ruinous; that constantly seeking her approval and “not feeling okay if she’s not okay” is toxic and maladaptive.
And it is right that if you have a tendency to do this then fully integrating and embracing the avoidant attachment of “being your own man” and “her being a complement” and “she can come or she can go” and “you will keep building and just move on if she betrays you” and “she’s not yours its just your turn” is necessary. Especially at first to teach you the behavioral and cognitive flexibility. But still later to some degree you must continue to understanding that “you are a prize”. And she, like anyone, must show value and earn your time because your time is limited and you have important shit to do.
But eventually, as she earns it, the red pill runs out of instructions. I could go into how impeding your reciprocity is just a dick move and you obviously intuitively feel like it’s wrong. But that is too close to blue pill mindset that if you haven’t already taken the burgundy pill you just wont get it (If you can’t see that there is a difference between being a placating bitch seeking mommy’s approval and being a self directed man who treats individuals, regardless of sex, with respect and simply moves on if they prove unworthy I don’t have time to convince you otherwise) so I will focus on you.
You will never be happy until you have a truly bonded and deep connection with a woman. It’s critical that it is not the only driver in your life, nor the primary. But it must be one of them and it must be reasonably high on the list. And though your connection with a woman you love will likely be your deepest, this is not even specific to women. It’s any relationship. Men, women, family, children, whatever. You will never maximize your joy and fulfillment and contentment until you can trust people and have it actually work. Trusting no one regardless of their behavior is certainly better than trusting everyone regardless of their behavior. At least then you wont be constantly betrayed. But until you actually have real trust and commitment with other human beings you will remain missing one of the greatest joys and forces of existence.
The problem of trust is not that people are unreliable or liars. The problem of trust is that you’re a moron who cant vet people properly; an underdeveloped manchild who cant communicate his needs nor wants nor hurts nor preferences effectively. Or at least cannot do this while also respecting the needs, wants, hurts, and preferences of others.
It’s not your fault you are this way. There is nothing fundamentally wrong with you. You were just born in a weird time for humans where we were taught all the wrong instructions.
But it doesnt matter who’s to blame. It matters who is going to fix it. And that can only be you. Because your life is your responsibility. You are complicit in the widening gyres of conflict that poison the soil which pro social behavior needs to grow until you are actively working to reverse them.
The truth is everyone wants to be loved and everyone wants to be accepted and everyone wants to matter and trust and commit. But we are all just so horrible at it (especially daycare-raised, bottle-fed, abandonment-issue-ridden millenials) that entropy often gets the better of us. So we just decide it’s more reliable and less painful to simply exit the game entirely. But only self deluded morons can call this “courage” and “strength”.
Love and Vulnerability As Optional
As men, we need sex. But we see love as optional. So those of us with some dignity cultivate these avoidant master morality personalities that get us at least one rather than none.
But love isn’t optional. And committing to a woman isn’t optional either. It’s not about “because it’s the right thing to do” or some other girl-logic cope. It’s about your innate, inbuilt biology and what you as a man need for a holistic high quality of life.
I can hear all the autistic screeching already, so let me be clear: obviously, never commit solely for the sake of committing. When I tell you “you can’t survive without food” you don’t give me some BS reply of “so Ur SaYinG I ShOuLd JusT Eat EverYThiNg I FiNd On ThE GrOuNd?”. You can need something and still be selective about it.
Similar to commitment: showing vulnerability to a woman is not optional either. Vulnerability is the root of all connection.
If she is disgusted by you at the first sign of vulnerability, she never loved you anyway and was just settling. In which case the solution is not for you to “suffer alone like a man” but rather to next that bitch and then learn how to vet women’s character and attraction to you before committing to them! Shit testing women yourself is the ultimate way to not only pass but bypass theirs. If you are getting shit tested constantly, or even frequently, you already lost. Either she is irreparably insecure (BPD chicks) or she thinks you are a fag and will leave you at the first sign of weakness or a better option. Either way: Get out now.
Show some vulnerability early. See how she responds. Don’t complain and vent like some child. She is not your therapist and she is not your mom. Share with her what you are feeling but do not vomit your raw and unfiltered pain to her. Sort your shit out. If you have a lot of feelings and dysfunction spend a few years in therapy before you even consider committing to a woman. But once you do, you must integrate her into your internal and external life. Be confident and accepting of your flaws and vulnerabilities and present your unguarded wrist out and see whether she pets it or slits it.
How she treats your “inner child” is how she will treat your children. Only a retard would stick his dick in a woman without knowing what she will do with this opportunity!
Equality VS Leadership
All the old gay stuff about building a life together and growing together is baby not bath water.
That doesn’t mean you are equals. You aren’t equals. You can’t be equals. Because equality is impossible.
What you are is complements. You are a leader. She is your copliot. “Women are the oldest teenagers in the house” is still more or less valid. But she is your teenager who you are responsible for protecting and cultivating. Not some outgroup punk you are scamming for resources.
Being a husband (or whatever) is close to being a parent. You love your child. Your child teaches you and you teach them. You share with your child and they share with you. You grow each other and together. But you are not equals. Ultimately you are responsible and they are less so. Would you vent unfiltered to your child? No. But would you share your fears and feelings and let them into your soul in a healthy, structured, and confident way? Yes.
It’s the same thing with a woman. The difference is degree not kind. She is more responsible and more mature than a child. But you are complements not mirrors. She has gifts. She is amazing at things you suck at. And you for her. And together you combine to make a meta organism more than the sum of your parts.
You may be the brain and she may be the heart. You may be the CEO and she may be the executive assistant. But ultimately neither of you are capable of being anything close on your own to what you could be together. Until you truly understand the generative power of such a union, you will forever remain limited.
That’s enough for now. This has been an introduction to the Burgundy Pill. Or something approximating it. A close enough first draft. It’s something I’m still figuring out. But it’s definitely in the right direction.
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Complement =/= compliment.
"You will never be happy until you have a truly bonded and deep connection with a woman. "
This right here 👆, is bullshit.