Burgundy Pill: Plate Spinning — Chapter 4.1: Reflections and Summaries
reflecting on and summarizing the learnings from parts one, two, and three
This is the first half of chapter four in a multi part series. You can find the series’ purpose and a table of contents here.
Chapter three can be found here.
Series Reflections
So I’ve been stuck on the “solution” to this series since the first day. It wasn’t even supposed to be a series, just one poast. The last 10,000 words has mostly just been me procrastinating this part. Or, I guess more accurately, trying to go deeper and deeper to find a way to write this part in a way that I’d actually be happy with.
But, as I realized in I Suck At Writing, the reason it wouldn’t work is because you just can’t write a generalized solution. Which is what I’ve been trying to do. I want to write a solution based on principles that can be applicable to every type of man. But it’s just not possible. Or at least it’s so hard that I can spend eight weeks on it and still not have something I’m satisfied with. I understand the principles enough to develop great solutions for me, and even for others with completely inverted goals, but not enough to articulate them so that every man can devise the optimal solution for himself.
I tried in one iteration just listing strategies for each “type” of man (super nice dudes, dark triad dudes, high sex drive dudes, low sex drive dudes, etc) that would be highly palpable and effective but realized quickly that if I’m going to get that granular it’s just a waste of time to even write it. Because, one, no one wants to read the strategies for the other kind of guy, and two, at that point I might as well just have a quick convo with any individual reader and give them an answer twice as good with half the effort.
Problems should be broad. Solutions should be specific.
I like broad. Because I am agreeable and gay. So if it were up to me, everyone would get what they want and everyone would think I am cool and smart. But that’s not how the world works. Or at least that’s not how solutions work. You have to niche down and give something that only applies to a specific audience and doesn’t work (and sounds dumb and gay) to everyone else.
I don’t know how to do that—niche down—and honestly it feels like I’m doing something wrong to try. But fine. I will try. Most of me would rather just keep procrastinating it and work on other stuff until I can nail the principles enough to write something more broad, but I ran a twitter poll and a bunch of people want this poast yesterday so fine. I will give you a good enough. And if it sucks then that’s on you!
I don’t quite know who this audience is nor what exactly they want so I will just write the solution I wish I had when I was younger.
Something like: you are driven and capable and willing to do hard shit that might upset people in the short term but ultimately are also reasonably empathetic and feel responsible for the wellbeing of the people around you and the future. The last three parts of the series should have filtered out most anyone who doesn’t meet these criteria so if you’re still reading, this piece will probably help you.
If you are a true dark triad, for whom relationships are transactional, and everything is a game—for whom intimacy is a means to power, rather than power a means to intimacy—and the goal of life is simply more good feelings and power for you even if it’s at the expense of others: you probably won’t resonate with this post or get much value. But if you are this type of person, I’m sure classic TRP was satisfactory to you anyway.
With all that out of the way, let’s give this a try.
Well, after an unnecessarily long recap of course. I found a few new analogies for the previous posts that ideally would get integrated into them but honestly I just can’t be bothered so they are going here as summaries.
Part 1-3 Recapped
1. Traditional Plate Spinning attracts low-quality women and repels women actually worth LTRing.
Plate spinning is like TV ads. Or those cringe Youtube titles with words like “SHOCKING” “REVEALED” “THIS ONE WEIRD TRICK” and some dude making the O-face: they are fundamentally geared at hooking into the limbic brains of the low IQ grugs to achieve quantity at the expense of quality.
Everyone actually intelligent finds this type of marketing not only obvious but actively repulsing; an indicator of exactly what not to waste their time consuming.
And the only thing worse than having a grug product with grug marketing, is having a “deep” product with grug marketing. Because when you insult the intelligence of “deep” people by using grug clickbait, while also offending the sensibilities of the grugs by having “deep” content, all you end up with is having no one want your product. Sure, they’ll consume it in passing, but when push comes to shove no one has any loyalty to you. Do you want to end up like Stefan Molyneux? Because that’s how you end up like Stefan Molyneux. (Or, less metaphorically, like Roosh V).
If building an empire on one-time buyers of cheap bullshit appeals to you—if a never ending rat race of low-commitment, low quality customers sounds like your dream job—then have at it, sell your grug product with grug marketing to the grugs. Different strokes for different folks, as they say.
But if you are trying to build something deep, sustainable, and long term with quality people you can trust, grow with, and rely on, then you’re going to have a bad time with such high time-preference limbic hacks.
2. Plate spinning gets you addicted to “cheap and easy”, which only make it harder to do what would actually make you happy in the long run.
Sure, maybe you have to learn the basics of mass marketing and sales before you can learn the complexities of targeted marketing and closing high value longterm clients. And you probably have to get enough practice with rejection to be able to shrug it off when you lose one—to avoid a scarcity mindset, getting over invested and desperately clinging to poor fits.
But you must go into this carefully and with eyes open. Because complacency is a hell of a drug and no one likes working harder for worse results. Once you become an expert at selling dumb bullshit to retards to the point that you can do it in your sleep and have spent years making a living off of it, are you really going to be motivated to consciously set yourself back and start over in a new industry to totally different clientele? We all want to feel successful and get something for nothing. And this is exactly why it’s so hard to give up cheap and easy—whether that be from vidya, sugar, TV, porn, or plating NPC women—even when you know it’s harming you.
The more skilled you become at spinning plates, the easier it becomes to do. And thus the more likely you are to continue doing it, even long past the time at which you know you’d be better off doing something else.
3. Exploiting the grugs is socially degenerative, and such zero-sum thinking by previous generations is exactly why you’re here in the first place.
Our sexual anarchy (along with most current social problems) is largely a byproduct of the fact that A) all humans innately want something for nothing paired with B) the slow dissolution of our foundational pro-social cultural framework which pulled “the future” and “people we don’t personally know” into our ingroup1. Into “us”. And when such things become The Other—a “them”— they switch from “should be protected to benefit us” to “should be exploited to benefit us”.
Sure, you probably wouldn’t exploit your family or your best friend. But some random chick on Tinder you’ll never talk to again? Pretty easy to consider her the “other” and owed nothing.
But, we LiVe In A SoCiEtY. A global, completely interconnected society. Or at least something larger than our own immediate social group. And whether or not your tribal lizard brain likes this or even understands this doesn’t matter. The “other” is no longer an “other” at all; all externalities inflicted on them will eventually come to haunt us in the end.
Just follow the logical chain for even a few moments and this becomes obvious.
How many times of getting pumped and dumped or ghosted by chad before that Tinder chick snaps and becomes a raging feminist who rails against “toxic masculinity” and the patriarchy and dedicates her life to trying to pass anti-male government or social policy?
Or at least gives up on being kind and gentle and beautiful and decides she’s going to go have a career and be a “strong independent wahmen who don’t need no man”?
And when her son grows up without a strong father, or any positive masculine role models to teach him strength and competence, told his whole life that masculinity is evil and destructive, how long before he says “fine. If I am evil no matter what I do, I have nothing to lose. Might as well ditch trying to be good” and goes and acts it out—whether through “Incel culture” spending his days cussing out women online, PUA culture pumping and dumping women himself, extremist ideology cheering violence and authoritarianism, or just straight up shoots up a school because fuck this God-forsaken place why don’t we just burn it all to the ground?
Sacrificing others at the altar of your desires is just as destructive as sacrificing yourself at the altar of others’ desires. Civilization is a measure of the quality and quantity of the positive sum games being played. When only one person wins, in the end we all lose. And every time you choose to win at the expense of someone else, it creates a butterfly effect that ripples out into everything around us, not only degenerating our lives, our society, and our future but also making it more likely that some future person will choose the same, accelerating us faster and faster toward annihilation.
You are here, sick of losing the zero-sum games choosing instead to win, exactly because someone else before you felt the same way and chose the same—to win at your expense. But you following in their footsteps, perpetuating this same troglodyte, anti-social behavior will only create more losers, who will similarly use you as a justification to do it too.
If you want to spiral downward into chaos and ugliness and destruction, go for it, I can’t stop you. But if you want to spiral upwards toward beauty and order and growth, you must reject the herd’s mentality and become sick not just of losing but of zero sum games themselves.
4. Your desire for infinite sexual access is largely just your desire to rape and pillage, repurposed.
You aren’t “designed” to “fuck sluts”. In the same way that you aren’t designed to play video games, watch porn, eat McDonalds, or get your social approval from likes on Twitter. What you are designed to do is to become a valuable and contributing member of the tribe, to have a woman that supports you and raises progeny that will succeed you.
And also to kill other tribes’ men and rape their women.
Obviously, this last bit is the part of the code everyone conveniently sweeps under the rug. At least in first world countries. And, to their credit, for good reason. First world countries largely exist in the first place because we stopped doing this. And while consensually spinning NPCs—or at least as consensual as sex can be with a halfwit normie woman so cognitively impaired it’s a miracle she can even tie her shoes—is certainly less harmful than the programming it’s based on, that doesn’t mean it is “good”.
With that said: we cannot rid ourselves of our “beastly”ness and we shouldn’t try. If anything, we should do the opposite. Explore it. Cultivate it. Train it. And ultimately master it. To wield for the “forces of good”, rather than the “forces of evil”.
Because trying to contain that which cannot be contained, trying to take a rocketship that could send us to the moon and cover it’s exhaust because “it’s really loud and aggressive and scary”, is how you turn massively productive power into a massively destructive bomb.
Power can create or power can destroy. But power itself cannot be created nor destroyed. It can only be changed and moved. And thus, when “good” people abdicate their mastery and control of it, all they do is hand it over to “evil”.
And contrary to what most today believe: there is no morality if there is no choice. And there is no choice without power.
And thus it’s not “goodness” to not kill if the reason is because you are too physically weak succeed. It is only “goodness” when you are not only capable of it but even want to do it and choose not to.
Meaning you have a moral obligation to master your masculine power; a moral obligation not to become a “nice” man, but to become a monster who has his power under voluntary control.
Next chapter on what to actually do instead of plate spinning is here.
Why our pro-social cultural framework has been slowly dissolving is a long story and I’m still figuring it out, but as far as I can tell it is rooted in the Enlightenment and the foundational individualistic and protestant philosophy that spawned from it. The social problems of today are largely just a byproduct of the fact that we had centuries of social capital built up prior to the Enlightenment, and the individualist ethos of the Enlightenment cut our acquisition in half, if not stopping it entirely, and we are now finally "poor” enough to start seeing the problems with Enlightenment philosophy.
Yeah, I think this is the right way to go about it. There's only a small subset of people looking for a solution, and you can be specific enough to serve them, instead of the whole world. General solutions mostly don't exist because people in general aren't *really* looking for true solutions.
Love when I find a writer that I look at and go "We're not so different, you and I." Keep the cool posts coming.
The harshest critic of modernity I've seen is René Guénon, and he dates the beginning of the degeneration to Descartes, which is the moment the West lost its spiritual core. He will gladly tell you that everything that happened beginning with him is literally a mistake, and that our world is nothing but an error (though it carries the seeds of the next world within it).
You sound like a committed materialist, well, there are actually good reasons to not be a materialist, and not all spirituality consists of slave morality. Think of the Bhagavad Gita, which says that in the name of the Good, sometimes you need to kill a lot of people and wreak havoc (though you are only a good guy if you try hard to avoid that outcome). Or hell, think of Muhammad.
And finally, materialism itself is a degenerate position, such that escaping from modernity and post-modernity to something better involves ditching materialism.