I originally devised this idea as a few paragraphs inside Feminism: The Female Beta Uprising. However it was mostly irrelevant to the point of that post and needed far more explanation, so I have since removed it from there and fully fleshed it out below.
The Hot-Crazy Matrix
First, a recap on the inspiration for this idea: the Hot-Crazy Matrix.
I recommend watching the original video here because it is funny. If you dislike laughing, I will provide the relevant information below.
The Hot-Crazy Matrix is a system men use (at least after they become wise) to make decisions about female partners.
There are two primary factors in this decision: hotness and craziness. Men are seeking the highest amount of hotness for the least amount of crazy.
Hotness, along the X axis, is rated on the classic 1 to 10 scale. Craziness, along the Y axis, is rated on a 4 to 10 scale because there is no such thing as a woman who is less than a 4 crazy.
Cutting diagonally through the matrix is the Hot-Crazy Line.
As far as how men use the matrix to choose women:
All women below a 5 hotness are in the No Go Zone. Doesn’t matter how nice or sane she is or what other skills she has to offer, we will not date, marry, or otherwise consider an intimate excursion with women who are not in our mind at least a 5 hot.
Women between a 5 and 8 hot but below the hot-crazy line are the Fun Zone. These are women we will sleep with, maybe go on a few dates with, but will not (or at least should not) go anything beyond with.
Above a 5 hot and above the Hot-Crazy line is the Danger Zone. These are the BPD art hoes who will give you great sex and look great as arm candy but will key your car or destroy you reputation when you don’t reply to a text for five minutes. When the manosphere says “don’t stick your dick in crazy”, these are the women they are referring to. All men at some point will probably dip their toes here, but only men who can’t get anything else will be repeat customers to it.
Above an 8 hot and below the Hot-Crazy Line but still about a 7 crazy is the Date Zone. These are women who you will LTR, introduce to your friends and family, etc. They will still be a bit of a pain, get upset about dumb bullshit, and shittest you more than is preferable, but you will tolerate it, at least for a while, because they are hot.
Above an 8 hot and between about a 7 and a 5 crazy is the Wife Zone. These women are extremely rare and should be generally acquired permanently when found.
Above an 8 hot and less than 5 crazy is the Unicorn Zone. These women don’t exist. Or if they do, they are so rare that holding out for one is how you die alone in a cave.
Finally, above an 8 hot and less than 4 crazy do exist, but they have a cock. Unless you’re into that sort of thing, it is not recommended you try to take one of these home.
The Dickhead-Power Matrix
Now, my idea: translating this model into how women pick men.
Thus far men have devised a crude one-dimensional model called “alpha” and “beta” for this. Alpha men are aggressive, dark triad, and powerful; beta men are nice, placating, and weak. Women want alpha men and are disgusted by beta men, so the theory goes anyway.
Contrary to the opinions of “redpilled sex gods” on Twitter however, the reason normies and women reject this theory is not because it’s “a deep secret truth only autistic geniuses can see” but rather because it is retarded and wrong. In reality, the reason it is reserved for extremely-online internet autists is because we are the only ones with such little real world social experience we do not see all the ways in which it is flawed.
Were one to actually go outside and engage in the proverbial touching of grass (or, in this case, ass), you would realize that women choose men using a similar 2D matrix as men choose women.
I have coined this 2D model the “Dickhead-Power Matrix”.1 Let us examine it.
On the X axis you have Power. This is a conglomeration of correlated things like status, influence, wealth, charisma, social network, etc and is rated from a 0 to 10 scale.
On the Y axis you have Dickhead. This is basically dark triad traits. Every guy is at least a 4 Dickhead (look at what all the “Nice Guys” say when they are anon with no girls around if you don’t believe me), and goes up to a 10 Dickhead.
Cutting diagonally through the Matrix is the Dickhead-Power Line (classic TRP uses only this line and classifies the top 10% as alpha the bottom 90% as beta).
As far as how women use the matrix to choose men:
All men below a 5 power are the No Go Zone. Doesn’t matter how nice, romantic, smart, whatever, you are: if you have no money, no status, no influence, no social skills, etc you are just a no to women. Do note that this zone includes men of all Dickhead scores, from 4 Dickhead (niceguy incels eg most men on leftwing twitter) to 10 Dickhead (misogyny incels eg most men on rightwing twitter).
Between a 5 and 8 power and below the Dickhead-Power Line is the Fun Zone. This is where a dude is powerful and non-sociopathic enough to at least give a few dates to. Men higher on Dickhead within this range will usually be coined “fuckboys”, while men lower within it are usually older “Nice Guys” who were in the No Go Zone in their teens and twenties but now have achieved at least some degree of wealth and status in their thirties or forties.
Above a 5 power and above the Dickhead-Power Line is the Danger Zone. This is where the dark triad “Chads” live, and what TRP and PUA generally advise you to be. However, as I have detailed extensively in Plate Spinning Part Two, high quality women are weary of this Danger Zone in the same way that high quality men are weary of the Hot-Crazy Matrix’s Danger Zone. Quality women may foray into this area once or twice but then never again. The only women who enter this zone repeatedly do so because they feel they have no other choice (eg they are ugly, fat, crazy, or otherwise damaged goods).
Between an 8 and a 10 Power but still about a 7 Dickhead is the Date Zone. These guys are driven, high status, successful, and will lead her and make her feel generally safe and loved. They are unlikely to cheat nor be complete narcissists, and do truly care about her, however they are still quite prickly around the edges and can cause reasonable amounts of psychological distress. LTRing them is usually worth attempting for most women, at least for a while.
Between an 8 and 10 power but less than 7 dick is the Marriage Zone. These guys are very rare and should be pursued hard. They have all the positive traits of the Date Zone, but are actually able to factor in her needs and handle her crazy without abusing her. They will of course hurt her on occasion but it is infrequent and unlikely to leave permanent scars. The Burgundy Pill is aimed at making more of these men.
Between an 8 and 10 power but less than 5 dick is the unicorn zone. These men don’t exist. All men should strive to be them, and all women will strive to find them, but ultimately they are a platonic ideal which exist only in chick flicks and cringe romance novels. Holding out for one is how you die alone with wine and cats.
Finally, between an 8 and 10 power and less than a 4 dick do exist, but they are serial killers or sex traffickers. Unless you want to become the next Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Epstein victim, run for your life from men who appear to be in this zone.
Extrapolating From The Model
So what insights can we glean from this new model? Heres five off the top of my head.
One, the “Alpha-Beta Dichotomy” is actually just the “Dickhead-Power Line” that cuts diagonally through the matrix. To claim that the Dickhead-Power Matrix is only the Dickhead-Power Line is not completely asinine, but it is certainly wrong enough that applying it leads to generally poor results for both men and women. As I’ve explained in detail here, TRP has not and will never achieve mass adoption nor improve society because it does not instruct powerful men to become kind nor kind men to become powerful.
Two, women aren’t looking for dickheads they are looking for power. Women don’t want assholes in the same way that men don’t want crazies. As I’ll explain below, it’s just unavoidable that these things will be generally correlated. Women are constantly straddling the Dickhead-Power line trying to find a man that is high in Power and low in Dickhead in the same way that men are constantly straddling the Hot-Crazy line trying to find a woman that is high in Hotness and low in Crazy.
Three, Telling men to be more of an asshole to get women is like telling women to be more crazy to get a man. The latter is obviously a stupid idea that would never gain memetic traction, but that’s only because men’s primary desire—physical attractiveness—is immediately apparent, while women’s primary desire—power—is not. You cannot trick a man into thinking you’re hot by being more crazy, but you can, at least for a little while, trick a woman into thinking you have power by being more of a dickhead.
Four, the Alpha-Beta Model is not only flawed, it is destructive to men, women, and society. Becoming a sociopath is not productive and it will not fill the hole in your soul. It may get you casual sex with naive, broken, or otherwise low quality women, but all men who are not legitimately evil eventually realize that this path is hollow and unsatisfying.
Five, you are not doomed to die sexless and alone if you are not and will not become a “dark triad alpha”. You do not need to become more of a Dickhead, you need to become more powerful. Yes, it is true that you will likely need to become less “nice” to acquire power, but ultimately your goal must be to optimize for power, using only the minimum-necessary-dickheadery to do so.
Why Are These Things Correlated?
An interesting question one might have: Why do these Matrixes exist?
Let’s start with the Hot-Crazy Matrix. Why are hotness and craziness correlated?
There are certainly many reasons, but I can think of three that account for most of it.
The first and biggest reason is simply that because men are optimizing for hotness, they will accept more crazy the hotter a woman is (thus reducing her necessity to cultivate traits like kindness, patience, emotional stability, rationality, etc). If you get bombarded with attention, commitment, and free shit everywhere you go no matter how you act, why would you spend time learning these skills which most other women only learn in an attempt to get the celebrity status you were born with?
The second biggest reason is because being a celebrity can get annoying as fuck. Hot women literally have to become more crazy to just get men to leave them alone. This is why, for example, “resting bitch face” is a thing.
The third reason is that when everyone treats you like a queen, you just get kind of bored and even resentful of your unearned status. You won the game without even playing, and that’s bound to make you kinda crazy and want to blow things up just to feel something.
Now, why are dickheadness and power correlated?
Similar structure.
The first and main reason is that dark triad traits generally lead to power. For a man to acquire power, he must have boundaries, self esteem, self interest, and cunning at bare minimum. A man unable to say no, unable to stand up for himself, his interests, or his values; a man who does not have his own concrete vision for his life, instead pulled in whatever direction by whatever emotion someone around him is having, simply cannot build or acquire anything. To create something of value for others—to become something of value to others—enough to be respected, admired, and followed, a man simply must be a bit of a dickhead.
Of course, one can become too dark triad to the point that no one trusts you or seeks to help you and thus any power you acquire is quickly lost. And this is the usual fate of men who exhibit exceptionally high dark triad traits. For every “dark triad alpha chad” who ends up in charge of everything and banging all the women, at least one hundred ended up in jail or dead.
Second, because in the same way that men are optimizing for hotness and will tolerate more crazy as it increases, women are optimizing for power and will tolerate more dickheadness as it increases. This is something incels remain eternally confused by. “I was mean to her like the internet said and now she hates me even more!”. Yes, retard, it’s because what she wants is for you to be successful, useful, admired, strong, and competent; she doesn’t like assholes, she just tolerates that it because it is the only way to get what she actually wants.
Other Notes
Some other things that may assist you in understanding and applying this model:
One, Dickhead is basically a measure of trait Agreeableness and Crazy is basically a measure of trait Neuroticism.
Two, the Dickhead-Power and Hot-Crazy matrix are subjective and based on the temperament of the ranker, not an objective rank ordering of the entire SMP.
A 6 dickhead for one woman may be a 10 dickhead for another; A 7 crazy for one dude may be a 4 crazy for another.
My wife for example scores 98th percentile on trait Agreeableness. For her, half the male population scores above an 8 Dickhead. A woman who scores 2nd percentile on trait Agreeable in contrast will find the men my wife sees as “no go” men the only men who aren’t a no go; An 8 dickhead for my wife may be a 2 dickhead for this other woman.
This is further why the blanket TRP advice of “be more of an asshole” is bad. If you are already very disagreeable, becoming even more will only further lower the quality of women available to you.
Similarly, my wife scores 88th percentile for trait Neuroticism, which many men would have trouble with. I however, being a psychopath myself who has spent a decade learning how to navigate it, do not find these traits in my wife at all troublesome and if anything prefer them.
A general rule of thumb is that for a successful relationship, and a proper match on the two matrixes, the man must be one to two standard deviations lower in both agreeableness and neuroticism than the woman (the former being more important).
So a 98th percentile agreeable woman will find men who are between 50th and 77th percentile in agreeableness as optimal; while a woman who is 50th percentile will find 13th to 2nd percentile men optimal.
The point on this is that you should aim to maximize for your temperament and niche. Cultivate what you have, rather than trying to become something you aren’t. There is nothing wrong with an agreeable or even neurotic man as long as it’s not getting in the way of him acquiring power. The best leaders are fairly agreeable, and the best creatives are very neurotic, and they have no issues acquiring more options than they know what to do with.
Point being: no matter your Agreeableness nor Neuroticism, you could easily get yourself in a position where you have a dozen or more women competing to lock you down and suck your dick, if only you put in the work to acquire some power.
Men, become competent, valuable, socially skilled, fit, and wealthy while doing your best to not become a sociopath.
Women, become thin, pretty, hygienic, and otherwise beautiful while doing your best not to become insane.
And, perhaps equally as importantly, do these things not because they will get you mates but because you love yourself and wish to contribute everything you can to the highest possible good to both your own life and the world around you.
Good dae.
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In reality, low Dickhead and high Power are not the only things women care about. But they do cover at least 80% of it. It’s possible to still fail with women despite being optimized on the DPM, but it is certainly impossible to succeed with them if you aren’t.
This one is a much better model of attraction for men than the typical redpill one.
It should be the 'de facto' advice that young men find out about on the internet when they're young.
I remember when I was a teen and I was trying to bruteforce the redpill advice of being a jerk, it obviously failed spectacularly and I didn't understand why, it took me a few months of failure and then a few years of reflection to realize why it was wrong. Well, this article sums it up pretty well.
I will be saving it for future reference.
Great idea to remake the hot-crazy woman matrix into a power-dickhead guy matrix.
However, I would suggest a slight adjustment to flip the fun zone and danger zone.
It seems like women are more likely to have fun (read: casual sex) with mid-power/high-dickhead men than mid-power/mid-dickhead men (or, conversely, it's easier for high-dickhead men to have casual sex with women).
While the mid hot/high crazy zone is the danger zone for men (BPD girls who can ruin their life), the mid-power/mid-dickhead is the danger zone for women. Here, women can ruin their lives by settling for someone they will eventually end up resenting, divorcing and/or cheating on.